Prostate cell growth and prostate
Prostate cell growth and prostate carcinogenesis are not only mediated by androgens, they are also dependent on functional insulin receptor (IR) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) receptor (IGF1R) signaling. Previous studies addressed this issue and reported a correlation between high insulin and IGF-1 levels and prostate cancer cell progression [8–10]. In addition to the indicated IR overexpression in prostate cancer [11], we demonstrated an isoform configuration showing elevated IR isoform A to B ratio in prostate cancer [12]. In this context, the mitogenic isoform A is differently expressed in various cancer cells, has a high affinity for IGF-2 and can contribute to cell proliferation, whereas the isoform B mainly transmits the regular metabolic effects of insulin [13]. A crosslink between insulin and androgen signaling has been already proposed by several groups, demonstrating increased de novo steroidogenesis in prostate cancer Benzydamine HCl mg by insulin, and vice versa, an increased IR expression, insulin binding, and insulin responsiveness by androgens in Hep-2 larynx carcinoma cells [14,15]. Moreover, Fan et al. showed an activation of androgen signaling by insulin and IGF-1 through direct interactions of Foxo1 with AR [16].
Of interest, activity of AR in prostate cancer is not only modulated by androgens but also by cholesterol derivates, e.g. oxysterols. These steroids appear to antagonize androgen signaling via estrogen receptor and other pathways [17,18]. Important estrogen receptor ligands in this context are 27-hydroxycholesterol (27HC), the most abundant oxysterol, and 3β-Adiol, a degradation product of dihydrotestosterone. However, concentrations cannot easily be measured and circulating levels must not necessarily reflect concentrations at the tumor cell. Though, they can be estimated by analyzing the synthesizing and degrading enzymes. 27HC is the most abundant oxidized derivative of cholesterol (oxysterol) in plasma. Cholesterol is converted into 27HC by the enzyme Cyp27A1, a cytochrome P450 oxidase, which is shown to be downregulated in prostate cancer [19,20]. The rate limiting enzyme in the catabolism of 27HC is Cyp7B1, which is reported to be overexpressed during progression of prostate cancer [21]. Recently, 27HC was shown to inhibit growth of prostate cancer cells by depletion of intracellular cholesterol, representing a negative feedback loop for regulating cholesterol biosynthesis, possibly via inhibition of sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2 (SREBP2) activity [20].
Previous findings reported on the one hand reduced testosterone levels in men with diabetes, and, on the other hand, downregulation of AR mRNA and protein levels through NF-kB activation in vitro and in an animal model of prostate cancer [3,4]. These mechanisms, which may result in a reduced AR activation, were discussed as one possible explanation for the lower prostate cancer incidence in men with diabetes. However, here we clearly demonstrate an activated AR gene expression machinery selectively under diabetic conditions in prostate cancer patients, paralleled by strengthened cell proliferation and higher tumor stage. Thus, our results argue against AR downregulation in diabetes after occurrence of prostate cancer in vivo.
Possible underlying mechanisms for this AR overexpression could include insulin or IGF-1 signaling as these signaling cascades are known to activate AR [16]. We first confirmed our previous findings [12], as we again detected differential expression patterns of the IR/IGF1R receptors in prostate cancer in the current study. We now addressed this in regard to AR expression. Of note, we detected that higher insulin receptor IR-A/IR-B ratio and lower IR-B/IGF1R ratio, thus, a shift toward the mitogenic isoforms, were correlated with elevated AR expression levels in patients with diabetes. Despite lower testosterone levels in diabetes [4], this shift in receptor composition together with elevated insulin levels could promote upregulation of the AR. In concert with reduction in protective estrogen receptor modulators, this might enhance activity of the androgen signaling machinery. The simultaneously elevated expression of the AR downstream target PSA in tumors of patients with diabetes underline a strictly diabetes-dependent interrelation between androgen and insulin signaling, promoting mitogenic pathways in the cancer cell.